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bonjour ~

A place that we could note down every memories of ours.

recent update :

1. Taiwan trip
2. Adventure Cove
3. Universal Studios
4. LegoLand
5. Hello Kitty Land
6. Cycling
7. Couple necklace
8. Henderson wave
9. Kite flying
10. Hort Park
11. River Safari
12. Labrador Park
13. Diving
14. Xu Liu Shan
15. Sea Aquarium

5 in 1
written on Monday, November 25, 2013 @ 10:19 PM ✈


Monday bluessss~ After a long weekend, it's time to go back to work. You also went back to work alr. But unfortunately, something bad happened at your workplace today. I feel so guilty that I couldn't help you with your problems. I'm starting to slowly understand how you grew up from young, how you survived through your years in the family. Just for some small issue and yet you're being targeted at. If the repair man didn't come after 20 mins, they will start to blame you again for not changing the tires yourself. It seems that no matter what you do, they will have something to target at you. I really felt heartache for you when your family members tends to treat you this way when they should be the closest to you. I hope they will know you better and treat you better bah. I promised I will reserved 14th December 2013 for you okay! :))


Last day of the long weekend. We had been watching movies since Friday leh. Hehe. Wanted to go out and have fun but ended up staying at your house watching movie. Haha. Although, some thing bad happened to us today. But I know you've promised me you won't do it again. So I believed you okay. :)) I'm afraid when I hit you, I might injured you. It's my first time seeing how fierce you can be today. The way you clenched your fist really frightened me. The anger in your eyes seems to have changed you to another person. A person I never seen before. Dear, promised me.  Don't let the anger take over your thoughts okay. I don't want anything to happened to you.


Hehe. Happy 5th monthsary my hubby! :) Hehe. We're together for 5 months alr! Haha. But this month we didn't manage to go to anywhere. Only managed to check out the bike prices and have a short walk at East Coast Park, followed by a dinner at Ichiban Boshi. And finally you can watch Iron Man 3 alr. But while accompanying you to watch Iron Man 3, I fall asleep halfway through. Sorry. :/ Still need you to carry me to sleep in the correct position. :/ Sorry. Hehe. Anway, dear, like what I've said you don't have to rush to get a bike. I don't want to see you suffer after getting a bike. I don't want you to have bread for every meal after you got your bike. There's no point for you to suffer this way when you get yourself a bike. :) I know you promised me to bring me to places in the night having getting a bike, you doesn't want to break that promise. But it doesn't matter, as long as I'm with you is good enough alr. It's doesn't matter where is the place, what we are doing. :)) I will love you always.


Hehe. See I'm so nice, I took a day of annual leave just for you leh. Hehe. I'm so nice right! Haha. Today we started our movie marathon at your house. Haha. Free movie viewing. Hehe. Our stay-home weekend just started. Haha. I know you doesn't like to stay at home, but this month we stayed home for quite a number of days because your mum's shop had closed alr. She will be using the car almost every weekend. So we couldn't get the car to go to jb or some other places for dinner etc. But nevermind la, got me to accompany is enough right? Hehe.


First time accompanying you to a event. First time meeting your first in NS. So happy that you invited me to your NS event and introduced your friend to me. The event seems to be quite interesting to me but you and your friend seems to be so bored there. Haha. Maybe you guys doesn't like to see dancing, singing and those people playing music bah. Hehe. I know you're afraid that I will be tired if I decided to go to the event. But don't worry kay. I'm fine. :))

PS: Sorry dear, I still haven't get you your present that I promised you. Sorry


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