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bonjour ~

A place that we could note down every memories of ours.

recent update :

1. Taiwan trip
2. Adventure Cove
3. Universal Studios
4. LegoLand
5. Hello Kitty Land
6. Cycling
7. Couple necklace
8. Henderson wave
9. Kite flying
10. Hort Park
11. River Safari
12. Labrador Park
13. Diving
14. Xu Liu Shan
15. Sea Aquarium

This is not a home..
written on Friday, October 25, 2013 @ 1:26 AM ✈

This one should write it in my blog instead of here but i just let you see I really have.

I think this house don belong to me at all maybe I should just find a place and move out or I just buy one 2 room flat and stay. Everyone keep thinking I have a good life I got everything I want but to me I got nothing in this house is just a empty house to me i don see anything i want in this house. I don have their support I don have anything even the girl I like they also got thing to say why they just cant be like normal family member that support their children do what they want not like I doing any bad thing I just want to be with the girl I like what wrong with that and I want a home not a house but why they just can't understand this shit.. I so tired of this life should I just end it since everyone will die one day i just end it earlier only. 

Even when my leg injured and go oversea with them they just can think my leg is painless and just walk with their normal speed don even care whether I can catch up with them or not and the only way to catch up to them is just speed up and make my leg get worse.. now the pain have got into my knee they don even care. Is this a family should be. I think i born in the wrong place or the god in fucking playing with me. Am I don deserve to have a proper family or what? Why my life is like that? Who can tell me? When I go my friends house they have a fun family don have much argument even argue is just for fun that why when I go their house I feel very comfortable not like I in my own house having a stressful house :( they only remember me when they need help you sure this is a family should be?

Their mind only know is work and keep thinking they open a shop is for their children to have a better life make sure their children really will take over them. This is not a tv drama this is real life. You open shop doesn't mean I must take over you I can choose not to. I have my own life this is your shop not mind not like I ask you to open a shop for me so that in future I can take over you. And always think when I belong more bad is other people fault why they just can't think Is their fault must always blame to other people and I all the way is a bad kids since young and they can just push the blame to other people. You don like me to drink then why from the start you let other people let me drink this is the common sense once you start to drink you will keep on drinking unless you got allergy to it then I got nothing to say and drinking is the only way to de-stress myself from this freaking house that one find day that will make me crazy. 

Why no one can understand how I feel at all? Am I don deserve any love from anyone at all? I just a 
rubbish kids that no one will like? No one will care? I only can help myself or what? Who can help me? :'( :'(

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